
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Javelinas in our Backyard

Our backyard gets visitors periodically, even though it's fenced as a dog run. They (the Javelinas) systematically uproot dozens of mamillaria cacti and eat the roots. So we pick up the buds and put them into sand-filled pots to reroot, then plant them for the next invasion. To get at least something out of it, I made the whole party pose for a painting.

 Even though they look deceivingly similar to wild boars Javelinas or Peccaries are only distant relatives of pigs. Taxonomically they are members of the same suborder, Suina, but are in their own family, Tayassuidae (New World pigs). They sport two pairs of big canines as opposed to just one in Oldworld Pigs.
But like pigs, they live in family groups, and root for their food with very similar snouts. As ours live in the desert, I never saw them enjoy mud baths, but our Arizonan, New Mexican and Texan Javelinas  live at the northern most tip of their distribution area which reaches all the way south to Argentinia. So they must use  many different types of habitats.
They are territorial and use skunk-smelling secretions of their  scent glands (below each eye and  on their backs) for marking and communication. If hunted for food, these glands have to be carefully and immediately removed or the meat is spoiled. I have eaten jerky and fresh, grilled tenderloin as guset of Mexican gold miners and it was very good.
Javelinas are rather nearsighted and also quite fearless, which results in frequent close encounters between them and human and caninen Arizona residents. Often the Javelinas just go quietly about their business. While house-sitting in the Tucson foothills at First Avenue, I once found myself surrounded by a herd  between garage and patio. They were so peaceful that I reached out to touch the big patriarch when he walked close to me. He screamed with indignation and bristled. Other people have been less lucky,  and those big canines leave bad wounds. My 40 pound Healer-type dog Bilbo got into a fight with a single Javelina last year, and he came away from it with a big, gaping chest wound. But at other times my dogs have cornered the entire resident herd including young ones and nothing happened. With Javies, you just never know.  So don't ever feed them, not even inadvertently by  keeping garbage or compost in accessible containers. The more the 'desert pigs' get habituated to humans and their houses, the more confrontations happen, and those usually end with killing or removal of the javelina herd, and our desert is all the poorer for it.

1 comment:

  1. I also live in Arizona, north Phoenix to be exact and the javelina in my area haven’t been seen in almost 5 years or so until last week. If they truly moved away from this area after 5 years the roots they eat must be plentiful! I just found your blog and glad I did. I’m a hobby watercolorist and happened upon your channel my coincident. I googled why moonflowers are restricted (seeds and plants) to being shipped here. Your blog post about moon flowers was one of the top 3 links when I googled it. I look forward to rummaging through your blog and of coarse look forward to seeing more content.
