
Friday, October 30, 2015

Stormy Weather!

We had a mostly golden October with a Cinch Weed carpet covering the desert floor, and temperatures reaching back up into the nineties over the weekend.

 So both my art shows, one in Patagonia and one last weekend at Phillips Plaza in Tucson  had excellent weather, great customers and artists huddling in a few shady spaces.

But yesterday our temperatures in Arizona dropped!
It's cold and wet, with snow flurries in the mountains and lightning storms. Breakfast on the patio at below 50 degrees, Jacket weather!
We measured 2.71 inches of rain in our gauge for this month, the most for any October since we moved here in 2002.

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful photos! That last one is what I dream of when I think of gardens. We're planning for El NiƱo here in Southern California -- hope your winter is a good one!
