
Monday, November 17, 2014

Fountain Hills Fountain Pond

Bird photography with handicaps: Art show duty with ten minutes to spare.  Raising sun in my eyes. Unpredictable diving subjects. Teasing girls and males full of hormones. Chatty dog walkers with curious dogs. Hordes of American Coots (not my intended subject) full of anxieties: missing out on opportunities,  being pursuit by phantoms, grass on the other side of the fence ... Soggy meadows and art show foot wear. My empty stomach.
The worst camera for the subject and several mostly empty batteries.
I tried to make the best of it - thanks for photo editing software!

On great yellow legs

different View Points

Catching the Red Eye

Whose worm?

True Colors

More about the location - an extremely typical Arizona snow bird Mecca - see last year's blog here


  1. Hi Margarethe! I am new to birding and also photography. What I have learned is that many outings are full of "what ifs". It looks as if you may have had some on this trip. I love the pictures by the way. I am taking a trip to Arizona this coming spring and hope to add to my life list. Do you have any suggestions for birding in southeastern Arizona in early March? I would love to see some owls. I love your blog by the way.

    1. Try to connect with Tucson Audubon, there are guided tours. If you can pay, and you are lucky enough to catch him in the country, Rich Hoyer is a great guide - see his blog under Birdernaturalist in my blog roll on the right. Whitewater Draw is still interesting in very early March
