
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Just some Backyard shots from May 2014

Foothills Paloverdes at our neighbors' palapa are in full bloom and buzzing with bees.

So are the saguaros flowers
 I am happy to report that there are at least as many native bees as honey bees. Here is a Diadasia sp. malejust arriving, several Perdita Bees and on the out side some kind of a wasp. As for pollination, I think birds are doing the best job here, as we don't seem to get any nectar bats.

Our Ironwood trees are loaded with flowers this year

Many different species of Chollas are spectacular and very colorful. But we've certainly had years with more flowers.

This night-blooming climber came as a seed from the desert museum. Between javelinas, packrats and bunnies, it never seems to reach climbing length here, but so far its circumference rivals that of the young mesquite tree it's leaning against.

Most of my potted Trichocereus cacti bloomed while I was in Mexico. But I got to see a few stragglers. Very pretty this year.

Quail couples are still showing up with very young chicks. Here the mother has to rebuff the advances of a bachelor male

This guy was trying to claim the area around the bird feeder as his territory.  A sisyphean task. He was panting heavily even though the temperatures had dropped to the seventies for some days.

Many quail chicks have out-grown the phase of tiny cuteness and are now big enough to have better chances of survival.

Lately javelinas found their way under the dog fence. Frodo and Bilbo sit meters away, restrained by their electric collars, and watch them munch at quail block and nursery cactus

When there isn't much left, some try to hog it all to themselves

This female Solfugid turned up right next to Randy who likes sitting  on the floor in the living room when we watch movies. She seemed to share our taste for old BBC stuff. It figures: at over 2 inches, she has to be an older lady.

 Ironwood and Saguaro in bloom: This year they overlap beautifully and the Foothills Palo Verdes are still contributing their subtle yellow glow. A beautiful spring


  1. Looks like a rich May! Hard to believe the monsoon season is just around the corner. And wonder what the El Nino might dish up??

  2. Amazing photos! I'm so glad you share them with us! I couldn't find your email, so I thought I'd just ask you here. My name is Tracey Till, and I've been volunteering for Tucson Village Farm, and am making some native bee fact sheets and a poster for them. It's difficult to find pictures of certain species that live in Tucson, and your photos of bees are so beautiful! I was wondering if I could use a few of them to help spread awareness about our beautiful native bees. My email is (
