
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Desert Snow

View from the house towards Wassem's Peak in the Tucson Mountains.

A storm came through last night and we woke up to a cloudy sky and snow cover starting just above out own level of 2400 feet. Our rain gauge showed 4 tenth of an inch, more than we've had so far this year.
A little higher up on Kinney Rd in Saguaro National Park West to wards the ASDM one side of all Saguaros was outlined in white. Already dropping off in big chunks. 

View towards the western mountains. This storm blew in from the San Diego direction.

View through Contzen Pass in the Tucson Mountains at the Catalina Mts where the snow cover seems to reach all the way down to Orovalley.
We'll head out into the western and north-western dune areas (AZ and CA) tomorrow to collect insects. This weather system was cold, but it also delivered the moisture that many dune species need to break their diapause, so it may be interesting.


  1. Gorgeous shots! I saw snow on Four Peaks and a dusting on the Superstitions today, but I forgot my camera battery.

  2. Beautiful pictures and descriptions. I have enjoyed going through your site. It is educational and fun at the same time. Your pictures are gorgeous.
    Arizona: Beetles Bugs Birds and more is the Site of the Week at Nature Center Magazine.

  3. Gorgeous site,I was amazed at all the returned memories from when I lived down there going to school.I backpacked a lot , enjoying a totally different land.

  4. Wow, These are very nice shots. Thanks for posting.
